netcore kursu egitimi


Asp.Net Corecan run on different platforms (cross platform - Windows, Mac and Linux) It is a web application development library. Along with .Net Core, software developers can also access MacOS, Linux or Android platforms. will be able to write applications. One of the biggest features that comes with .Net Core is that compared to previous .Net versions, is a significant performance increase.

Online-Live These are trainings that you can follow live with your instructor and classmates via video conferencing applications (Zoom Platform). During the course, you can see your instructor, classmates and lecture notes simultaneously, ask questions to the instructor at any time, and participate in practices.

Classroom Training/Join from Anywhere

Opendart Academy's trainings are given in physical classrooms. The student chooses where to study, They can either come to physical classes or attend their scheduled lessons remotely, online-live.

Training Duration: 6 Months (240 Hours + Project Development)
Prerequisite: This training does not have any prerequisites.

Working in the IT industry and learning about the latest corporate software development technologies
For anyone who wants to specialize themselves and become a sought-after professional in the software industry.

When you attend the .Net Core Enterprise Application Development Training course with C# Programming Language
You will be able to develop corporate applications.

Enterprise applications are now an indispensable part of our lives.
By developing a corporate application, you can make a place for yourself among the most valuable professions of the future.

If you want to get involved in the software application world, this training is for you.

- Variables, Working with Data Types, Value and Reference Data Types, Type Conversions, Boxing – Unboxing

- Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical and Operators)

- Decision Structures (If, Else, Else If, ​​Switch Case

- Loops (For, While Loops)

- Arrays (Array (Type Unsafe), Array List, ForEach Loop)

- Collections (ArrayList, HashTable, IEnumareble, ICollection)

- Generic Structures (Safe Types, List, Dictionary, SortedList)

- Stateless Widget, Stateful Widget

- Methods (Returning/Not Returning Value, Taking/Not Taking Parameters, Overload Methods)

- String, Date/Time and Array Methods

- Error Handling and Random Object

- What is OOP, Its Importance? Class Creation and Object Concept

- Constructor - DeConstructor

- Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism

- Interface - Abstract class usage

- Enum, Struct and Partial Class Concepts

- Access Modifiers (Private, Public, Internal and Protected)

- Static Class and Static Methods

- Windows Forms Login (Creating a New Form, Show, Hide and MessageBox operations)

- Form Controls (Standard Controls, Menu Controls, Moving Data Between Forms)

- Developing a Project with Windows Forms (CRUD OPERATIONS)

- What is Data, What is a Database, Where is It Used, Types and Importance

- What is SQL Server, SQL Server (Latest Version) Express Installation Procedures

- DDL Commands (Create, Alter, Drop), DML Commands (Select, Insert, Update, Delete)

- Normalization Rules, Index Concept and Constraints

- Mathematical / Textual Functions (Round, Ceiling, Floor, Mod / Left, Right, Len, Replace, Substring, Lower, Upper, Reverse)

- T-SQL Operations (Where, Between, In, Like, Not Null, IsNull, Order by, , Group by, Sum, Count, Avg

- Relational Tables (Inner Join, Outer Join, SubQuery, Union, Intersect, Except)

- View (Table Views)

- Stored Procedure

- Custom Function (User Defined Functions)

- Triggers

- Backup/Loading, Database Export/Import Operations

- HTML5 (Most Current, SEO Compatible Tags)

- Developing Responsive Designs with CSS3 and Bootstrap

- JavaScript Programming Language (Basic and Intermediate)

- Normalization Rules, Index Concept and Constraints

- AJAX operations with JQuery Framework, Jquery UI and Jquery Plugins

- Preparing a Sample Web Project

- MVC and ASP.NET CORE importance, privileges

- Startup Adjustments, Configure and Configure Service Methods, Dependency Injection, Middleware Concepts, Tag Helpers

- View, Layout, Partial View Concepts, What is Razor View Engine? Razor Syntax and HTML Helpers

- Controller - View Data Transport Operations (Get, Post), Model Binding Operations

- Routing, Validation, Authentication Operations

- ORM Concept, Entity Framework Core Introduction, Context Architecture, Migration Mechanism

- Code First and DB First Approaches, Validation with Fluent Validation Tool

- One to Many, Many to Many Relationships

- Layered Architecture (Data Access Layer -Database, Business Logic Layer - Business, User Interface Layer - Presentation)

- What is Linq? Why is it advantageous?

- Linq Query, Filtering Types (Select Where, Order, Skip, Take, In, Join, etc.)

- Using Single, SingleOrDefault, First and FirstOrDefault Commands

- What is HTTP Protocol and HTTP Status Code?

- What is API, Web API types

- What are the Concepts of REST and RESTful?

- Web API Security (Token Based Auth)

- Routing, Validation, Authentication Operations

- Using Web API with JQuery/AJAX

- Microservices E-Commerce Graduation Project


Certificate of Participation: This is the participation certificate that will be given to our trainees with a 90% participation rate.

Certificate of Achievement: It is the certificate of achievement that will be given to our trainees who complete the graduation project.

Tarih : 18/03/2023
Gün : Cumartesi,Pazar,Haftasonu Öğlen
Yer : Online(Canlı)
Saat : 14:00-19:00
Süre : 240 Saat
Ücret : Ücretlidir / Sorunuz