java spring boot egitimi


Java programming language, portable, hardware independent, reliable, powerful, suitable for multi-user systems, on different machines Interpreted, dynamic and high-performance systems that can work in harmony with each other. It is an object-oriented language.

During the training, all topics will be explained in depth by our experienced instructors. It will be developed with the most appropriate and modern mobile application development techniques. sample applications and the use of learned information in real life applications will maximize it.

At the end of the training, you will learn Java Spring Framework and gain knowledge in Spring Boot, Spring Cloud technologies. By specializing, you will have the skills and experience to develop all kinds of Corporate applications. Throughout the training, examples are provided with the latest updates using Eclipse and Intellij. It will be done using Spring Framework versions.

Online-Live These are trainings that you can follow live with your instructor and classmates via video conferencing applications (Zoom Platform). During the course, you can see your instructor, classmates and lecture notes simultaneously, ask questions to the instructor at any time, and participate in practices.

Classroom Training/Join from Anywhere

These are Opendart Academy's trainings given in physical classrooms. The student chooses where to study, They can either come to physical classes or attend their scheduled lessons remotely, online-live.

Training Duration: 6 Months (240 Hours + Project Development)
Prerequisite: This training does not have any prerequisites.

When you attend the Enterprise Application Development Training course with Java Programming Language, you will progress to the level of developing a Enterprise Java Application.

In software companies or public institutions, in the IT departments of companies, In database management system departments where the most valuable data of corporate companies are stored, Regardless of the sector, all medium and large enterprises, Internet service providers, Establish your own company in the field of information technologies, You will be able to work as an independent consultant (free-lance).

Enterprise applications with Java are now an indispensable part of our lives.
By developing corporate applications, you can make a place for yourself among the most valuable professions of the future.

If you want to get involved in the world of corporate applications with Spring Framework, this training is for you.

-Introduction to Java Language and Development Platform

- Java's working platform and the platforms on which it can be run

- JDK (Java Development Kit), JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

- Java environment installation, classpath and java home definitions

- Compiling sample Java code on the console screen

- Eclipse and Intellij development environment

- Features of Java Language

- What is Modeling

- Class definitions, Scope Concept in Classes

- Main method usage

- Variable Concept

- Default values ​​of variables

- Memory usage, Heap and Stack Areas

- What is bit, byte, kilobyte megabyte, hexadecimal binary number system

- Basic Types (int, byte, short)

- Method usage, Scope concept in methods

- behavior of methods Access permissions (public concept)

- What is a parameter, using parameters in methods

- Returning values ​​from methods, what is the concept of Void

- Calling another method from within a method

- What is Constructor, Why is it used, Why is it important

- What is a Global Variable, what is a Local Variable?

- Object Concept, Reference Concept, Reference Types, Null Data Type

- Validity Fields of Variables and Objects, What is Garbage Collector

- What is the concept of Static variables, Object Variable, Class Variable?

- What is an Operator and Why is it Used ++, -- && < > concepts Boolean data type

- Basic type conversions

- Conditions (if-else if-else, switch-case)

- Loops (for, while, do-while, for-each)

- Arrays, multidimensional arrays and array behavior

- What is Abstraction, Domain Modeling

- Inheritance

- final property

- Concept of Interface and Abstract Classes

- Inter-class relations (Composition, Aggregation is-a has-a concepts)

- What is Encapsulation

- Nested classes, Nested Interface Concept

- Polymorphism

- Object Casting

-Software Principles, Concepts of What is Solid

- Boxing, UnBoxing Concepts

- Generic classes and Methods

- Differences and advantages compared to TV series

- Iterator Concept

- List, ArrayList, LinkedList

- Map

- Set

- Compariable interface


- Database Drivers

- Basic queries with MySQL database connection


- Error Catching (Exceptions), special error catching classes

- Transaction management, Rollback, Commit Concepts

- Event Driven Programming

- Visual programming with Swing

- Client, Server Architecture

- Communication via HTTP protocol

- What is Html, What is Java Server Pages, What is Servlet, What is Java Bean

- Page construction with JSP, include concept

- Moving data with Query String, Session

- Connecting to the database with JSP

- What is Javascript, what is jquery

- Reading and writing xml with jsp, reading and writing with json

- Sending e-mail with JSP

- Creating Java Web Services (XML, JSON), using

- File operations

- Buffer usage and performance advantages

- Permissions on files and directories

- Stream

- File class

- Object serialization

- Properties of threads

- Using threads in Java

- defines ENUM

- Using Reflection

- Aspect Oriented Concept (What is Cross Cutting, Join Point, Pointcut, Concern and Advice)

- Annotation usage

- Annotation query

- Dependency Injection (CDI) - @Named, @Inject

- Inversion OF Control IOC Container vs Application Context vs Bean Factory

- Lifecycle of Spring Objects

- Spring AOP and AspectJ

- Spring and Hibernate

- Spring Boot - Maven

- Spring Boot Actuator

- Front Controller Design Pattern Spring MVC Architecture

- Request Handling & Mapping

- Spring MVC Notations ModelMap and @RequestParam

- Developing RESTful Service with Spring MVC

- Thymeleaf Template Solution

- Logging Framework Log4j

- Database operations with Spring Boot Postgresql

- Spring Data Configuration @Component vs @Service vs @Repository

- Repository Interfaces

- Dto – ModelMapper Configurations

- CRUD, Paging, SortingFeatures of Java Language

- Transaction management

- Spring Security JWT Token

- Swagger Configuration

- Spring Test

- Hibernate Fundamentals, ORM Concept, Hibernate and JPA, Hibernate Architecture

- Hibernate Basic Mapping, Hibernate Mapping Types

- Preparing a Mapping Example, Creating a Basic Java Class

- Creating the Table, Creating the Hibernate Mapping File

- Saving Data with Hibernate, Using Auto Generation

- Querying from the Database with Hibernate, Updating the Database with Hibernate

- Hibernate Mapping Relationships

- Hibernate Matching Types

- Hibernate One to One Mapping, Hibernate One to Many Mapping

- Hibernate Many to One Mapping, Hibernate Many to Many Mapping

- Mapping the Set, Mapping a List, Mapping a Map

- Using Mapping a Bag, Join Table

- Components, Creating the Component, Mapping the Component

- Table Query Methods with Hibernate

- HQL, Select Queries

- Where, Paging, Named Queries

- Joins, Criteria API, Criteria Query

- Restrictions, Projections

- Query by Example, Lazy Options

- Fetching Modes, FetchType

- Hibernate Annotations

- Obtaining the Hibernate Annotations Library

- Configuring Hibernate Annotations

- Basic Hibernate Annotations

- @Entity, @Id, @Table

- @Column, @Transient, @Temporal

- @Enumerated, @Lob

- @OneToOne, @JoinColumn

- @JoinTable, @ManyToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToMany

- Hibernate Cascade Options

- Cascade Operations

- Persist, Merge, Remove

- Refresh, Delete, Save_Uptade, Delete_Orphan

- Microservice and Monolithic Architecture Approaches

- Rapid Conversion from Monolith to Microservice Architecture

- Identifying, Creating and Inter-Service Communication

- Designing standalone microservices

- Eureka Service Installation, Configuration

- Eureko Service Test

- API Gateway Service

- Allowing Origin For Cross Origin Sharings

- Database Design and Data Consistency in Microservice Architectures

- Resiliency Pattern (Circuit breaker, Retry mechanism and Fallback) in Microservice Architecture

- Load Balance

- Deployment of Microservices

- Domain Driven Design (DDD) Focused Micro Service Development (Bounded Context)

- Monitoring - Prometheous - Grafana


Certificate of Participation: This is the participation certificate that will be given to our trainees with a 90% participation rate.

Certificate of Achievement: It is the certificate of achievement that will be given to our trainees who complete the graduation project.

Date : 18/04/2023
Day : Saturday, Sunday, Weekend Morning
Location : Online(Live)
Time : 09:00-14:00
Duration: 240 Hours
Fee : There is a fee / Ask